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Is there any sex already?


with who?


im kinda confuses atm cause i the voice just says there's nothing you can do right now and juniper just tells me that dawn found something but i cant find where to go. i did the photo scene with viola and now im just kidn alost. also the masturbation scene with juniper i was able to watch right after the tit scene and it said my fennekin had evolved but it for sure hasnt yet. is that a thing i can do? and if so how


ok so i did get braixen and the following scene but i already did the prof scene early so is my game bugged?

ok so after replaying the game i just assume i reached the end of it? none of the npcs on the map do anything other then just say the same stuff and the voice just says they need time to adjust. very good game so far tho! my only real complaint is the level grinding is kinda borning cause the pokemon you find in the wild dont scale with level so its just always level 2-6. but other then that its very true to how pokemon feels to play. and i love the character building so far, very exited for more content releases (there might be more im missing i just am not sure)


Any plans on making it playable on android?

What does the voice mean by let Braixen get used to her body? will does it mean a new scene will come next update? Also after beating the gym is there anything else to do, story wise.

level up to delphox kekekekeke


is there any plans for gay or futa content?

I know there's futa. When you start the game, there's something like a note beside your PC. You'll see options 1, 2, 3, 4.

1 is black shirt male, 2 is red shirt male, 3 is black shirt futa, 4 is red shirt futa




ur just bad dude.... nothing nuked me


fr this game is not that hard


did we play the same game?  see my other reply for context of how i call bs on that statement.


Ah yes, being up to 3-5 levels under despite fighting every trainer with a well balanced team is  a skill issue, alongside not expecting the first gym leader to counter it's main weaknesses so hard even a full team of 6 wasn't enough to win, i had to keep throwing myself at her for maybe 1 level at a time and then rng a win despite then overlevling by 2-5. nice.


i just went with an fenekin(14) aron(10) marrel(7) and an pikachu(6)

i beat her with one pokemon remaining didn't even use one item in battle

but i did use 5 atk vitamins on  aron and 5 sp atk vitamins on fennikin

it was fairly balanced


ah yes, items that boost pokemon's stats, a thing to expect to before in the 1st gym, not near the middle or end game, silly me for not expecting that. 

did you not catch any other pokemon? also you should really fight pokemon in the wild to lvl up before you begin fighting trainers just to be a little ahead of them even the


....... full team of 6. starting to think people are just acknowledging i'm complaining, withut reading the contents of said complaint. and the trainer's were'nt the issue, at all, the gym leader was. specifically because of her team, which for a 1st gym, is not balanced. that shouldn't be the point of the game one should have to grind against wild pokemon.


I beat her with a level 17 braixen... alone... I started with my chansey, moved to pikachu (did that so they would get XP) then just used my braixen. I used the super potion I found in a poke ball. Thats it. It is 100% a skill issue dude.

Oh sorry didn't mean to make it look like I didn't read the full thing, I was trying to get more context for if you only had one pokemon or if you had a full team, if your team was made of pokemon at lvl 8 or above with the starter at more like 14 you should have been able to clear the gym quite easily, I can't relate to the leader being not balanced but it might be because I have played so many pokemon games so I know a few extra things for most first gyms


I beat the gym leader with a 1 under-leveled maril, you might just have a skill issue


genuinly how the fuck, they have electric moves on 2 of the pokemon. does it suddenly swap to 1v1 format if you only have 1 pokemon?

There's literally a guy with a Chansey that you can farm XP for


I feel as though there should be a few “lewd virus” or abnormal pokémon obtainable through the wild. Like a 1/200 chance in certain areas, to give the dedicated people a carrot on a stick to grind for. Its not as hard as a shiny, but also not entirely unobtainable. Ive read your post though stating you will most likely just have the abnormal ones as a “character” like a legendary pokemon you meet in a certain area. Very psyched for what you have planned for this game. Hope you get your personal issues solved ✌️ 💕 

wonder if they could be shiny hunted? shiny breasts

its really fun game wish you luck on the next instalment


really loved how the game plays and feels, but god damn this game is so unbalaced, i got wiped 6 times on the first gym and dont have any good place to grind exp


you have chansey to the north of your house, you have pikachu and metarcross in the woods beside the cavern with the mysterious voice... theres alot of oppurtunity bud.

Heracross sorry... not metacross


Yeah from my experience from pokemon games.  Just power lvl my team to 5-10 more lvls than the highest wild pokemon that I can meet before gyms as in general the gyms are harder.

loving the game so far but im stuck on "giving braxian time" when entering the vail place. what do i do or is that it?

can I get shinies in this game or have I been shiny hunting for the past two hours for no reason X_X

Just one question, and that is if you will be able to put the game in Spanish in the future, because I haven't completely mastered English yet and I would really like to be able to have the game in Spanish. Everything else is good, the difficulty too, although the gym leader was difficult, I also had fun passing it, and I was able to beat Sayoko very easily with only 3 pokemon, without much level.


Entiendo lo que quieres decir, pero lo veo dificil, tomaría mucho tiempo y haría todo el proceso de programar el juego más complicado; al final del día soy yo solo intentando hacer todo a la vez.

Tal vez en un futuro lejano, pero no te podría prometer nada


Why can I not beat the first gym? its way too hard...

(1 edit)

get guts rattata and brixen on 16, some more mons just to tank dmg and boom, gym done (nasty plot for the win)

guts rattata?

ye, guts rattata

the hell is that

I found a small bug, when we entered the house and became "friends" with the girl who trains Mimikyu, the character becomes invisible, I tried entering and leaving the house again, closing and opening the game and it still didn't return to normal

Sorry about that, I'll fix it in the next update, in the meantime, by going back to your house and interacting with the folder next to the PC you can change your sprite, so that should fix it.


Will there be futa stuff soon as of now?


Android version soon?


Sex with pokemon? Gardevoir and etc?


Yes, soon


Checking the update I didn't expect a lot because of just being a gym but it was good, also nice that some bugs got fixed and some small details changed.
Would say right now I got a bug with Sayoko's first event where the player was invisible and Dawn event seemed to say one line twice. I think there was also this bug about when using Sakoyo customize option and coming back to her main menu she would have the old panty shot option from before the mall instead of the post-date options. pressing "back" bought back the newer options tho.

Also I still feel like you get too much EXP and help right now, since you can just level up your fennekin into Braixen before even fighting the first leader just by battling all possible trainers beforehand; only using scratch, ember or psybeam and having leftovers equipped (only times I needed to use a bit of brain power on a Fennekin only test were Sakoyo where you just use some nasty plots). Didn't test but obviously it must be even easier if you  get enough to buy that secret ability now.

TbH I kinda understand if you don't want to give a very hard challenge to the player while still wanting to give them so much team building help but how easy battles are right now kinda goes against the narrative of building a relationship and stuff with Fennekin (and future catchable lewd mons if you do that) when you can get your first starter sex scene by not having a challenge and never fainting; just making her love you by doing less than 15 battles of anykind and some leftovers. 

Also only my opinion, but first gym leader was fun to battle against because of her strenght and double battle, same with some gym trainers having good status effects like frozen or toxic. Like trying to teach it's good to have more than one strong pokemon. However it's kinda dumb that if you only have Braixen the leader isn't a double battle. Also personally I was having fun when almost defeating her without Braixen before I noticed I had that fox left when I lost all the normal pokemons. Again, I hope difficulty comes to this game so it feels more like at least the character the protagonist controls has a stronger bond with their partners

I tried making something challenging but approachable, but I guess Braixen is a little broken to this point on the game.

At the same time, the powering thought using only your over-leveled starter is something we all have done at least one.

About the leader team strength/level the problem is that if I were to build her team using only Braixen level mons, nothing else you can get at this point of the game would be able to do anything more than taking one or two hits while you heal Braixen; and I didn't wanted to set a level cap since that would make seeing the Braixen scene after fighting the gym a grind fest.

But the idea is that as you progress through the game, as the regular mons evolve and learn new moves the gap between them and the lewd mons will be reduced, and I'll get more room to build more busted up teams for the other trainers.

And I'll look into those bugs, for what you say they don't seem to be game breaking so I'll probably save them for the next big update.


well feels very good to hear all those paragraphs. Just to be clear I'm not annoyed by the first leader current levels, I tried to say I had fun :); I like a lot how that gym is and what it gives as the first "checkmark". My negative feedback was about how only having one pokemon makes the leader lose the gimmick, which TBH IDK if it's like that in official games.

Como puedo jugarlo en android?  Ya que no me permite extraerlo

supongo que extrayendolo en pc y luego transfiriendolo 

(2 edits) (+2)

A repost summarization of my comment on the update from Patreon:

Good stuff! That was some excellent characterization for Dawn and the sisters were very fun! The braixen scene was super hot and so was Viola's! Looking forward to more risque photo shoots with her! The gym battles were also very good. Viola's fight itself was fun and challenging!

Something I forgot to say initially tho: Goddamn! Viola's abs!!! The perspective of that scene and the way you drew her was just too damn hot! Love the way you draw everyone's stomach/abs so far!

As always, looking forward to more!


Also, could you please add trainer rematches? It makes grinding faster

(8 edits) (-1)

Grind for what? 


Would be available when higher lvled pokemon content comes out.

Money / Items:

There are minimum 4 pokemon (two of them is in the same evolution tree) since v 0.2  which helps you get unlimited money, items. 

1 of them is any of the starter evolutions & the others you have to research for. :p

Hey i've searched everywhere what is the second pokemon and how does it help you get unlimited money?

(10 edits) (+1)(-2)

I don't want to spoil the game for others & I want you to learn how pokemon functions.

Why I told about the starter is because it's about info that is really not written in the game for people to read.

The second pokemon has a posibility to be able to farm in it's first evolution & you will never have to give it exp / fight so it can stay in it's first evolution forever.

You know if that pokemon can farm money after catching them & it's not a move but you can read it in game.

Same with the 3rd pokemon.

It has 100% chance to be able to farm you money in the first evolution & in the second one. 

But you really have to read about it online as no info in the game unless you experience/realize it.

There are few Pokemon in the game

Read about their first evos you would easily know soon enough!

I know you can do it <3

I got no idea what you are on about dude, we aint got meowth with payday  or any pokemon with pickup. Our Fenniken has magician which can steal from chancey and others for some money, but we have no good way to make XP to get our girl fully evolved without taking 2 hours.

though, now that I think of it. We can steal a lucky egg from chancey. However, thats still not what you mentioned here.

(1 edit)

Your statement about the money is false. 

Xp wise there are a place where a pokemon gives like 3x more than others in the same lvl. Try to find that area. Took me mins to get my required lvls with an item which helps me to keep grinding there swiftly.


Okay, so there is a bug when you take dr. Juniper's coat and then try to put it on her again - it doesn't work!


that is becaus of the type of buddy hear you shose


Amazing game!

Deleted post

im at the 1st gym town but cant get into the gym how do i get in?


From the guidence of the in game: npcs I don't think there is content atm for it in v 0.2


I don't have anything to give right now, but I plan on donating some to the project. Love the look of it. I hope it goes far and will be keeping an eye out on it.

Thanks for bringing a wonderful game into light ^^ Keep up the amazing work!


Is there a discord server for the game?

Hi I got a question, where are the save files supposed to be held in the directory?


In roaming, when you create a save is placed in a new folder with the name of the project,  as long as you don't touch said folder you should be able to load a save no matter which new build you're playing, you can find it by searching "%appdata%" on your taskbar


Thanks so much!


How exactly does one run the game once its been downloaded?


You need to download an .rar  file extractor,saved%20in%20your%20destination%20folder!


This game is a 10/10. Waiting so much to be able to customize Juniper and see her scene. Awesome work man!


Hey so it seems you are very open to feedback so I'm gonna give it a shot after finally evolving Fennekin, sorry if this sounds like I don't love what the game is molding to be. Sorry too for the big pillar of text. Also sorry if I mention a problem that exists in all pokemon games it's been a while since my last playthrough :p

-Although I like how the lab looks with the trees, it takes too much unnecesary time to get there for being your only source of healing at the start of the game. It probably shouldn't matter too much to move the building with the surrounding trees a little more down
-I know you were critiziced about difficulty, but I feel the problems with Sakoyo is her having ghost types (affects the first catchable pokemons that only have tackle) and the thought of her being kinda like the tutorial battle in official games. Her dialogue probably needs more of an emphasis on the levels or training before battling her so it's less confusing
-Talking about difficulty it's kinda bad RN. It's OK for you to start with leftovers (and a powered up Fennekin? I forgot if her stats were higher) but the enemy levels and "rubberband XP" make it so you easily sweep the first 3 trainers you see (where you'll be at lvl7 at the first and lvl9 at the third), making you able to semi-sweep the boss at the start. This low difficulty IMO feels very bad with all the previous things and the team composition help (free move relearn and cheap EV items). Though maybe later game will be harder and I forgot how quick pkmns evolve when they aren't lvl 80 :v
-stat down berries should probably get their "friendship up" effect removed. Because of how cheap they are you will probably be able to just use them to get instantly a friendship evolution for less than $800 later on
-Very very unimportant. You probably should come with a protagonist name instead of taking it from the computer. IK it's innofensive but it still leaves a bad taste in the mouth

Here's some bugs I found:
-There's a way to make Dawn event not happen after reseting the game? IDK what I did but after reloading she was there until I entered the dep. store and I didn't get the gallery photos but she has the post-event dialogue. Sorry if this isn't a save problem but just me not remembering I did the event a second time
-The Boss dialogue after winning (and his reward) play on lose
-Minor thing but when using the pokecenter and moving down when talking to the nurse the camera moved one step down

I like the mistery of current version weirdmons and all that (also many thanks for making right-shift another run button). Characters also seem fun enough to watch outside having no option consequence in conversation (I get why that is) and for having less than 2 months customization is very thanked. Kinda hope this doesn't get abandoned and we can get the story you can tell.
There are a few pokemon selections which feels a little weird but nothing big. TbH is kinda nice to have so many picks at the start, goes well with the team composition help you have so early (and why I hope this game doesn't turn so easy). All I have is 3 questions

-You wrote no swinging or sharing content, maybe it's because IDK those terms well but. Does that mean there won't be multi-dating the girls? Seems a bit weird how that "not planned content" section collides with the description of how girls "fall under your mysterious charming influence".
-Will the lewdmons be dateable? Since apparently they can't talk right now but there's a reason you called them like that. TbH I hope they don't just turn into cosplay humans and keep being furry-like while being able to communicate like a smart human
-Will being a girl change something (scene or dialogue) in the future? completely undertand if it doesn't have an effect, you're the one doing the effort to make the game


Sup, that sure is a lot of text, let me try to go point by point.

 1.- I guess you're right, I was thinking more on the esthetic than in the functionality when placing the lab.

 2.- I build Sayoko's team thinking on it as some sort of puzzle to solve on the first build, you have lillipup with bite on the same route, pikachu on the forest, and aron and sandile north from the city, and a level 9 or 10 fennekin should be able to brute force the battle, but yeah maybe is too hard, at this point I have no idea.

 3.- I made the other trainers weaker thinking on two things, first that Sayoko does says that she's strong, so having everyone else having equal or stronger pokes would make no sense, and second, to be able to use them as training if Sayoko's fight is too hard for you at the moment; and fennekin does have higher base stats.

 4.- If you are willing to take the time to feed all the berries to a level 5 bunneary to make it evolve at level 6, then who am I to stop you.

 5.- I guess is more of a personal preference thing, but I feel like choosing your own name is like what everyone does, idk.

Now with the bugs.

 6.- I didn't understand the Dawn thing.

 7.- I didn't knew that, I'll fix it for the next update.

 8.- I wasn't able to replicate that, do you still have the camera off-center?

 9.- For the dialogue options, in general I wanted to make a "silent protagonist" so you can like fill it with yourself or something like that, but when interacting with the characters it feels really weird that you don't answer anything to them, most of  the dialogue options are basically the same, but some have small joke answers, nothing big.

 10.- Having a lot of options is ideal in my opinion, when we have over a 1000 pokes available, filling the routes with first route rodents is kinda lame.

And your questions.

 11.- I guess that is more of a technicality; I understand sharing as having your partner having sex with someone else, in doujinshi and games is usually depicted more as a way to humiliate said partner than a cuckold thing; but in both cases, that's not my thing. Swinging is basically partner-swapping. Meanwhile what I'm going for is more of a harem route, where you have multiple partners while you act as some sort of nucleus of the relationship; it is a technicality? yes; Is it hypocritical? yes; but I will die on this hill.

12.- They will, my plan was to make an scene for braixen in 0.2, but I didn't had the time; now about the sentient level and talking capabilities. The franchise itself is really weird about it, in the games at the start it felt like the idea was for them to be like slightly more intelligent animals, with some legendaries and psychic types having a more human like level of intelligence, but as the generations went on, they got more and more human-like in their level of intelligence and behavior; and in the anime they always had a human level intelligence, but all the human characters treat them like pets; but yeah, I want them to be like smart furries, with like a human level intelligence but with a more animalistic attitude, behavior, or nature, not sure what the more accurate term would be; and outside of a couple of legendaies, no talking.

 13.- I ran a poll on patreon to choose between a male and a futa mc, or both of them, with the detail that if the option of keeping both won, I wouldn't put so much emphasis on the gender or body of the protagonist in the scenes, not because I don't want to, but because of a time issue. And keeping both of them won, so yep... maybe in the future I'll make scenes with more focus on that, but for the moment that's not a priority.


Again many thanks for responding most comments you are able. Gonna try and keep these respones short (though I'm not good with that)
2.- As I tried to say before Sayoko difficulty just comes as a misunderstanding. She's kinda the same level as a first gym trainer but she's ubicated in the start. IMO the difficulty is good when you don't see her as the first trainer battle like rivals in mainline games
3.- Understandable if it's just like that for the first routes. The boss should probably be buffed a bit more so he's actually boss of that single route. I just hope later in the game I get to do something with my EV trained team, move selection and better starter instead of only sweeping everything while fully tanking all priority moves
4 and 9.- fair LOL
5.- Choosing a name is good, but when you press enter without writing one  the game takes the name from your PC, as I said extremely unimportant
6.- I also didn't understand well how it happened. Basically I reloaded without saving for an uninportant reason. So Dawn event didn't happen yet, but after I entered the dep. store (or maybe another building) Dawn wasn't in her event position anymore. Afterwards she had the dialogue she has after the event but I didn't get the gallery photos that you get when the event happens
8.- No, haven't been able to replicate it. TBF maybe it was just a minor glitch that happened for having the game 2 hours open (I really wanted to evolve Fennekin before commenting)

Thank you for always understanding and all that. Hope you don't get problems making the game and your patreon amount is big enough 


The Dawn event should play in it entirely when you touch the trigger, do to essentials limitations the event is an event that initiate another one when you change locations, and a couple of "support" events that are there just to make sure you're in the right place when the real events are running; maybe you did some kind of frame perfect sequence break without noticing in between event transitions.
And the name thing is not that I made it that way, is just essentials base configuration; the kind of detail one doesn't notice until it happens to you.

Is there any content on this version of the game so far?


Yes, it got on Youtube.

I love the game so far, I do have a couple questions though, first off is there somewhere I can see like a checklist of all the available activity's in the game? i don't know if i have done everything in this version and would like to. 

my second question will save data transfer between updates? if i get the next update will i have to start over or will i be able to keep all my Pokémon (entirely because i got a shiny and want to keep him forever lol)

 my final question is what are the shiny odds? i have never actually caught a full odds shiny before so i gotta know if its similar to the games.

You can talk with the mysterious voice to check your progress with the characters, is not the most  convenient guide, but at the same time I don't want to make the events like hidden behind some random corner of the world or an unnecessarily convoluted quest, so I don't like that you will need a constant reminder of what to do... but I guess that may change in the future, idk.

Saves should be compatible with any new update; I may change some of the map layout in the future, if so I will make it clear in the patch notes, but as a general advice, try saving inside a pokecenter.

1/4000 like in the last generations, but the lewdmons are shiny and IV looked, so you'll get nothing out of soft resetting them.

thank you!! That answers all of my questions! It is also hilarious that my first full odds shiny is in your game, and I am excited to try future updates!

How do i play the game? i downloaded the .rar file, what do i do next

you unzip it an run the exe in the folder

How do i get into the Gym

You cant go in the gym yet

aww, thank you!


best PurpurDawn i love the game and how you made it so far i can see how your game is getting better and better and when I look at how hard you have worked on it  it is super good (and that while the game is yet 40 days in progress)

Bugges i found

but after you go from your home town to the first city all the block interactions just leave the game a: looking at a bookshelf [space bar]noting no {theres a lot of stuf in here i dont understand eny of it}

also your game is made with game functions from divrent games my munny team works good becaus i have my lv20 braixen and 5 lilliepup's with the ability pickup. this works gread but pickup is broken the ability gives me a item and 1 of witch is the escape rope this item is a item. but you item version say's it is a key item so i got times the escape rope but i cant sell it or see that i have more than 1 

when u go into the house on the right side of de museum and leave you go to a out at other house in the same city

also i got a idee for a story for player qeust dont know if u wand to hear it but if you do want to hear it but if you do want to hear about it I would love to tell you about it

1 question is it yust me or is killing chansey the best way for munny and xp



I didn't understand the bookshelf point, could you explain it again please?

Sorry about the escape pick up stuff, I never took the time to look at the item poll, and just as a quick check, are you stuck with the lillipups holding escape ropes or they just fuse when you take them?

I knew about the house wrong warp, but I didn't see it worth reuploading the game, but I have a couple of bug reported, so I'll probably release a fix.

I have my plot in mind, but I'm always open to suggestions.

And yep, Chanseys are there for you to grind, I tried to left a hint to them being in game in the screenshots


the bookshelf is that if u press spacebar while looking at a interactible entity you get dialoge but when u interact with somthing else than a human in Incela City u dont get eny dialoge 
(exept for going upstairs)

the part of the escape rope is that it does fuse them in my infentory but that it is a key item so that is a key item less for if u ever want it to be a key item to do stuf with

(3 edits) (+4)

I don't usally write comments, but I wish the best for this game, this game is an instant 10/10 for me already and I can't wait to see how it continues to develop!

PurpurDawn if you see this I want to say:

1) thank for being so responsive in the comments, it's so cool to see a responding creator for once

2) Thank you for promising the game will remain practically free (not exclusive to patrion atleast (I'm BROKE so this is amazing)

3) A bug that I found is that the custom avatar reverts back to the original Red avatar aftera little bit (for me it was after I went in Sayoko's house)

4) it's also always night for me, idk if that's intended or not (if so that's really cool!)

5) Out of pure curiosity will future versions save our data?

6) Is the avatar inspired off of Joseph joestar?!?!

7) nurse Joy avatar when 👀

8) mayber we could make WASD aswell as arrow keys??



   1. thanks

    2. I know what having no money is like.

    3. I think I know why the avatar changes, but I'll have to look into it.

    4. The game look at your computer clock to set the time, if I'm remembering correctly, the game start the night at like 6 P.M., so that's probably it, you can always change your pc clock while playing, but now that you mention it, I should look for a way to be able to turn on and off the time.

    5. Saves should be compatible in any future version of the game.

    6. I wasn't thinking on that, but now that you mention it, yes it is.

    7. That is were the patreon content polls come in

    8. not a bad idea

(1 edit)

the WASD you can change yourself to by doing F1 

oh thats so cool thanks!

Deleted 49 days ago

Little thing I noticed is that mints DO affect the nature of mons BUT they do not change the nature's name accordingly, it just stays the same. That said: GREAT JOB WITH THE SCENES, although the Gurren Lagann reference...XD

that's how they work in the actual games too y'know


Hey bud! I lovd the game! 
I have a question, any plans on adding a female protagonist? I don't mean like a female route where you go after guys but a lesbian route! Would b great ;D


So, I plan on adding a futa version, it's still a indev stuff, but there's a little of it in the game.

But a female protagonist is a little harder, right now there's no scene involving the mc penis, but there will be in the future, and I don't know how I would make that work for a female protagonist.

Deleted 240 days ago
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