v0.5b changelog

After all this time I come back with a new update! Took me a while, but now updates will be more frequent!

  • A new Lewdmon to catch!
  • 3 new scenes unlocked after catching the new Lewdmon (Includes the first, and hopefully not last animated scene).
  • A bunch of new areas to explore (A new route, 2 minor zones and a two levels cave).
  • A whole lot of balancing changes, for more detailed info check the linked doc.
  • Small changes to the overworld tilesets (more to come in the future).

To access the new content go right from  the Insela city's center (Only accessible after defeating the gym leader)


Lewd Virus v0.5b.rar 344 MB
34 days ago

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Ok I just got my first gym badge, gone on the date with the kex maniac, saw Juniper naked....what do I do now? I dont know where to go lol.

(4 edits) (+1)

oh my god im just seeing this now after 3 day

edit: ive played a bit and i love the optimization in this update, in 0.4 i was playing kinda laggy and wasn't very enjoyable

edit 2: i love "THE DANDY" for the free exp, amazing add to the game

edit 3: togepi for the win, easily my strongest pokemon at the time

edit 4: the moment i saw mawile's first battle sprite i went "woah" as in "that thing is creepy as fuck" type woah


I've been waiting for this!

The first two are perfect with the design I love and accept these the way they are.

welcome back, thanks for the update I'm really enjoying the game so far


woooooo welcome back


If anything is added that you have to go back for, at least if there is more, please add that to the information.